#119 – A busy weekend!!

'Mist' keeping an eye on 'body' Richard

‘Mist’ keeping an eye on ‘body’ Richard

Just back from a good weekend – training with ‘Mist’ with Search And Rescue Dogs Association (Wales) on Saturday, and I passed the selection hill-day for my local Mountain Rescue team NEWSAR (North East Wales Search And Rescue) on Sunday.

Richard getting more attention from 'Scout'

Richard getting more attention from ‘Scout’

It’s 15 years since I resigned (with regret) from Penrith MRT and 25 years since search dog ‘Matt’ was retired, but it’s good to be back.

'Mist' and 'Cluanie' waiting to get back to work

‘Mist’ and ‘Cluanie’ waiting to get back to work

Unfortunately all the preparation for the weekend, on top of being away from the computer, means that the planned blog for today has been re-scheduled for next Monday.  So, please come back next week for a great day on the ‘Snowdon Half-shoe’ (if only to find out what the title is all about)

The NEWSAR assessment panel weighing up the new recruits

The NEWSAR assessment panel weighing up the new recruits

Text and images © Paul Shorrock

About Paul Shorrock

I've been mucking about in the mountains for longer than I care to mention. I started out by walking my local hills, then went on to rock climbing, mountaineering and skiing. Still doing it, and still getting a buzz. I'm now sharing the fun, through my guided walking business (Hillcraft Guided Walking) and by writing routes for other publishers, mainly Walking World and Discovery Walking Guides. Just to make sure I keep really busy, I am also currently a member of my local mountain rescue team.
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16 Responses to #119 – A busy weekend!!

  1. Congratulations! 🙂


  2. Thanks Chrissie (BTW, I was the oldest of the new recruits 🙂 – should have more sense by now!)


  3. Well done Paul! I am sure this will lead to a few good stories.


  4. LensScaper says:

    Well done Paul. I’ll look forward to the delayed blog next monday. Where does all the time go! I’ve just finished painting a bedroom and now I’m off to London to meet my son for the evening. Blog following will now have to wait til tomorrow. I’ve no idea how I ever found the time to go to work!


    • Where does the time go indeed! Like you, I seem to be constantly chasing (self-imposed) deadlines, but it keeps body and mind active 🙂

      With that in mind, I’m going to add a bit more time pressure on my various projects by going skiing in Glenshee tomorrow! The weather is looking good, all tows except one running yesterday, so it should be good. It’s not Zermatt but it’s just 4+ hrs from my mates house in Cumbria, so I can get a day in and still be back in North Wales the same night.


  5. MrsBoardwell says:

    Well fancy that. First we stumble upon each other randomly in virtual land. Next thing you know you’re passing the hill day with my husband!!!???
    PS: Mr B is Rich. 6’4″. Very handsome lol
    PPS: congrats ^_^


  6. Big congrats Paul! 🙂 I was just saying to Richard the other day when we were both plodding very unfitly round the Goatswater Horseshoe that I can’t understand how people like MRT folks can go up the hills twice in one day! But that must often happen…


    • It certainly happens with the busy teams such as Keswick, Patterdale, Langdale-Ambleside, Ogwen Valley and Llanberis, though not quite as likely with teams like Penrith and NEWSAR.

      My concern is having a great (and knackering) day out in the hills, going home for a quiet evening, and then getting a call – I’ve done that before, but when I was 25 years younger 🙂


  7. smackedpentax says:

    Congrats Paul! Very well done…


  8. Anarette.com says:

    Nice to read about the rescue training. Almost 8 years ago I adopted two border collie mixes and one shepherd/husky dog. They went through the advanced obedience training but I would love to start rescue training with one of my dogs some day. The border collies are such eager students.


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